It's that time of year again!!! Mwahahaha!
I started by telling my soon to be 15 year old that they changed the age for driving permits to 16 years old. Now he would need to wait another year to start practicing and definitely could not practice this summer. I had a whole elaborate story and sold it pretty well. I kept it going all morning but fessed up before he got really upset. :) Lol!
I was really excited because April Fool's Day hasn't landed on a school day since 2016! This meant pranks in their school lunches.
Fake out food in their lunch.
Note on the napkin at the bottom of their lunch box.
Remember the box I sent my Mom and the sneaky gift idea? Well I did it again, I emptied small pop top cans from the bottom and replaced contents with their normal snacks and fruit. They had a can of diced water chestnut, pieces & stems mushrooms, chipotle pepper in adobo sauce, and corned beef hash.
I was originally going to empty all the cans but after I opened the corned beef hash I decided to leave that one with the real contents. Lol!
Sealed the bottom of the cans with hot glue.
I did write OPEN IF YOU DARE on the top as a little warning for the corned beef hash.
It smelled like cat food and a gross solid constancy.
I bagging their sandwiches in 8 zip lock bags and then saran wrapped them.
The cans weren't enough so I included some fresh chilled urine samples. Haha!
Urine cups were filled with lemon jello this time. I added a little more yellow food color to give it that uriney look.
What's funny is I made extras and brought them to work to fill the fridge.
I stacked them up and on people's food with dates and ranging times. I started the date/times the night before and told them the doctor needed 24 hrs of samples and I have to mail them after work. I kept them in my lunch bag and added an new one to the fridge every time I went to the bathroom. LOLOLOL!!!! It was the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!
Photo is after lunch. I couldn't risk getting caught taking a pic before. :)
Remember my kitty litter cake with cat turds? Well I just made the cat turds. I put them in my kids school lunch in a ziploc with a tag labeled cat turds.
For work I put them in a corner in the bathroom. After they were discovered I had everyone go look and kept trying to look closer. Everyone was yelling, DON'T TOUCH IT!" As toilet paper was being grabbed to be cleaned up, I pick a piece up (strategically placed on top) and I licked it.
LMAO!!!! Facial expression = priceless!
AND I replaced my son's apple juice with tea.
AND I replaced the orange juice with mac n cheese powder mix.
AND I made pizza for dinner and dessert was also pizza. Cookie dough, icing and fruit roll-ups to look like pizza.
What a successful day!
Past April Fool's Day Pranks
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