Before I share what we did for our third annual NYE party with the kids, I wanted to thank everyone for all the love. So many features, mentions, links, posts, etc! Amazing! Thank you!
Okay, now for the fun!
Set up the same
I purchased black balloons and print activities and clocks. Roll paper and place in the balloon. Easy.....then a little problem.
Okay, time to blow them up......WTH? I was tired and couldn't comprehend what was happening. I just kept saying....why are they turning purple? Hello, you purchased purple balloons. Duh! Amethyst/ PURPLE written clearly on the back of the package.
{{note: when telling my hubby he was all smug quickly saying they were purple weren't they? What? When do you buy balloons and how did you know this?}}
Well, then my tiredness and OCD/perfectionist battled but tiredness lost. I scramble for a plan B.
I had a few gold, very few black, and a new package of glow in the dark star balloons. YES! I made a pattern and cut each PURPLE friggin' balloon open and put the rolled paper in the new balloons. I think at this point I was in zombie auto pilot. Finally done!
I put up all the balloons the night before so it's always a surprise when they wake up.
15 BALLOONS! Yes, I'm crazy.
Each year it gets bigger and better! I didn't think I could top 2013 but the kids said it happened!
I normally work until 5:00 NYE so activities don't start until 6:30pm but this year I was OFF!!!! YAY!
Activities ALL day long!!!
They were expecting balloons to start at 6:30pm....NOPE!
Woke them up to pop the first balloon at 8:30am and it was total excitement!
"What? What? It's time for the first balloon???!!! No way!"
Totally worth the lack of sleep...I think or maybe just dreaming.
I let them decide what to play. Don't laugh but I used the kids cards and my older son used the adult cards in Trivial Pursuit family edition. LOL. Hey, I was barely awake and didn't want to embarrass myself.
This collage makes me laugh....the balloon looks like his head.
Lunch activity for them :) They made mini pizzas with mini pepperonis on mini bagels.
It was late when I printed this and I meant to put frozen yogurt so they were a little confused at first. A delayed "Yaaaay yogurt" Lol! Their response was much different when I explained.
Fun little treat plus to get out of the house for a bit. I squeezed in a few errands too.
We've done the cookie thing in the past but only chocolate covered oreos. This time I rolled the dough and they could do anything they wanted. I thought it was funny one went with sports. (Cowboys #finishthefight) Yes, he hash tagged his cookies.
The other made them about the dogs. We just got two puppies. So sweet.
And mine......SUPER holographic edible glitter NYE cookies! Oooooh I love how they turned out. The picture doesn't do them justice. They were so glittery!
Need an awesome royal icing recipe that's super easy? Check out this post
I came up with 11 questions and added "retro" pics of my husband and I.
Winner was based off correct answer and speed of answering. My youngest son won the game on the very last question. They were surprised on some with lots of WHAT??? and NO WAY!! but I was surprised on how many they knew. They HAVE been listening. :)
Since we just got two new puppies I picked up some DIY dog tags. Remember shrinky dinks? It's plastic that shrinks in the oven.
They wrote puppies name and our info with a sharpie. Then 10 mins in the oven and they were super small. Came with a little sticker to protect the writing and metal ring to attach to the collar. I couldn't find two the same so I told them to flip a coin to choose.
Blokus! They love this game. I didn't think much about the colorful little blocks but you definitely need strategy. Got my butt kicked the first time. Now it's game on. I felt bad because I had my hubby play {his fist time playing} and didn't give him any warning that they would probably destroy him.
I went for a run and came back in and asked, "which boy won?" Not even thinking he had a chance of winning. Lol!
We had leftover confetti eggs from Easter and Halloween that we never used. I figured this would be a fun activity to get some energy out. BEWARE - they hurt! I learned this the hard way several years back. Colorful eggs, excitement, and then instant tears.
My rule - you MUST crush the egg in your hand before hitting someone with it.
It was a great activity since the time between the next balloon pop was short and this was over within minutes.
Now something to keep them busy for a bit. Last year we did mini masterpieces but this year I found even small canvases. Mini mini masterpieces. SO CUTE!
Ahhhh....this is their all time favorite. My boys love shrimp. This balloon pop is a request and definite must every New Year's Eve! Plus they are pricey so it's our fancy treat.
Every year they get to add something to the activities. First year they taught a craft, last year they put on a magic show for us and this year.......commercials. It's fun to see them come up with a skit/commercials. They each did one by themselves and one together. Turned out really cute. No pics because I videoed.
I put sparklers because I didn't know if my hubby wanted to do all the fireworks so early or wait until after the new year. We ended doing everything. It was FREEEEEEEZING! I say freezing but it's Texas so not really literally freezing. I just keep saying it.
Getting ready for a toast....almost Midnight!!!! We didn't need two bottle between the two of us, promise. {{hiccup}} A friend suggested one and the other was purchased a while back. Boys drank apple cider. You would think they never get juice. I couldn't even get a picture before they needed a refill.
Time to eat cookies and the big toast.
We popped this one after the countdown on TV. It also had a Happy New Year note to each boy. What we expect for the New Year and how proud we are of them. Then lots of hugs and kisses.
I didn't add any other pics but we did a photobooth again this year. SO.MUCH.FUN!
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