I wanted to share the icing recipe I make for the boys to decorate cookies. I don't have the step by step pictures, those might come later with the next batch I make.
It's the most PERFECT royal icing for cookies! Simple to make, easy squeeze out, doesn't run off the sides and get everywhere, looks glossy and the best part....it dries hard enough to stack the cookies!!!!
Ever make cookies, take the time to decorate and put in a storage container only to open it up the next day to one large massive stuck together cookie? No? Oh, me neither. I was just asking. :D
I've had this happen not only to cookies for the house but I decorated and bagged the cutest cookies for a gift and the bag stuck/sunk into every cookie. UGH!
Well, not anymore!!!!!!
Santa cookies the boys made
I made some too! DON'T TOUCH the hat, boot, or Texas! Mine!
Ooooh Ahhhh! Okay, now for the recipe. Sorry, not in a cute printable link but it's so easy it doesn't need it.
1 bag of powdered sugar (2lbs)
8 tbsp milk (I used almond milk)
8 tbsp light karo corn syrup
8-10 drops of lemon juice (bottle or fresh) I used fresh and the drops were smaller so I put 10
Siffting ....NAH!
Add ingredients little by little.....NAH!
Put it all in the mixer
Cover with a towel so your house doesn't look like a powdered sugar winter wonderland
Turn on low for a few seconds then up to medium
Mix for 8-10 minutes
I separated into 4 bowels and added food color. I only did red (pinkish,) blue, green and left one bowl plain white.
Icing tips....NAH!
I bagged with cuplers and tips only to take them all apart and just bag and clip the ends of the bag. I had the smaller tips and it was taking too long to cover the cookies.
They were delicious!!! Um...I mean, I guess they were because Santa only left crumbs. Dang near licked the plate clean. Geez!
Hope this helps!!!

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