I know there are so many kindness ideas from donating toys, bringing food to homeless, sending cards to soldiers, but I wanted something that the boys could do that day without any planning.
The idea is to remind them about daily kindness, patience, and appreciation.
Little things that might make a big difference in their day or for someone else.
The idea is to remind them about daily kindness, patience, and appreciation.
Little things that might make a big difference in their day or for someone else.
Here is our KINDNESS advent calendar shaped like a Christmas tree!
We are doing a Christmas advent countdown with punch cups.
Same craft from the punch cup carnival game for the library event I made a few years ago.
The idea is to "punch" open each cup and read the act of kindness for that day.
You could do envelopes, balloons, or jar of kindness.
I found some old holiday themed scrapbook paper. Really really old scrapbook paper from 1996. Again, this proves I'm a hoarder pack rat super smart and thrifty to keep every single thing and never throw stuff out. :)
What you need:
hot glue
foam core cardboard
tissue paper
rubber bands
candy (optional)

I printed all the little notes on the back of the scrapbook paper and cut into strips.

Filled all the cups from the bottom up.

I tested my tissue paper color pattern. :)
hot glue
foam core cardboard
tissue paper
rubber bands
candy (optional)
Purchased cups from Wal-Mart.
Remember the paper flowers table decorations? I used the leftover tissue paper from that craft.

I printed all the little notes on the back of the scrapbook paper and cut into strips.
Compliment five people today
Write a note or text someone you haven't talked to in a long time
Help someone today without being asked
Smile! It's a contagious feeling and can benefit you and others around you.
Tell someone you appreciate them
Commit to a day of positvity. Find the bright side to everything that might not go your way.
Give your pet or friends pet extra attention today
Stay off your phone or social media - interact with someone around you
Let someone go ahead of you in line or go through the door first
Stay clear of words like "never" or "can't" in a negative context
Focus on patience. Don't let the little things bother you.
Just say thank you. Even for the small things. Show appreciation when you can.
Share your extra treat with a friend or two at lunch. (I have teens. This might not work with younger children with food allergies)
Take time to listen to someone. Ask how they are doing or what they are planning for the holidays.
Your choice!
Pick up litter you see throughout the day
Write a note or text someone you haven't talked to in a long time
Help someone today without being asked
Smile! It's a contagious feeling and can benefit you and others around you.
Tell someone you appreciate them
Commit to a day of positvity. Find the bright side to everything that might not go your way.
Give your pet or friends pet extra attention today
Stay off your phone or social media - interact with someone around you
Let someone go ahead of you in line or go through the door first
Stay clear of words like "never" or "can't" in a negative context
Focus on patience. Don't let the little things bother you.
Just say thank you. Even for the small things. Show appreciation when you can.
Share your extra treat with a friend or two at lunch. (I have teens. This might not work with younger children with food allergies)
Take time to listen to someone. Ask how they are doing or what they are planning for the holidays.
Your choice!
Pick up litter you see throughout the day
And for December 25th - Keep the kindness and interactions going all year long!
You can make the notes more specific for your family. For example my boys forget to turn lights off on a regular basis. One day might have something about being extra energy efficient. EEE day! Or maybe something for the dogs. They love to go to the dog park and we don't take them enough or give them a really long brushing.
You can make the notes more specific for your family. For example my boys forget to turn lights off on a regular basis. One day might have something about being extra energy efficient. EEE day! Or maybe something for the dogs. They love to go to the dog park and we don't take them enough or give them a really long brushing.
I decided to add some candy too and printed red and green numbers.
(free downloads below)
Cut tissue paper into squares.
I didn't have brown tissue paper and couldn't find any at the store. I spray painted cream tissue paper brown. Lol! I really wanted brown tissue paper.
1.5 lever punch to cut numbers.
Two Hershey's Kisses in each cup. The boys will take turns "punching" open each cup but included candy for both of them. The bag had 53 Kisses and I need 50. Whew! Worked out perfectly.
I sorted all the acts of kindness based on if the boys were in school, on break, or if it was a weekend. I can't ask them to share a treat at lunch if it's Saturday.

Filled all the cups from the bottom up.

I tested my tissue paper color pattern. :)
Punch cup tutorial HERE
Wrapped tissue paper over the top of the cup and secured with a rubber band.
Attached the numbers with double sided tape in the center of each cup.
Hot glue cups to foam core board.
If you don't want to do all 25 days you could do the 12 days of Christmas Kindness.
I made 25 cups to open the last one on Christmas Day.
I went to my BFF's house to take pics and realized I didn't like the rectangle board. :/
I trimmed the sides and around the bottom.

Added red garland around the edges and used the gold star from the Red Carpet event.
It looks so much better!

Before and after.
Red & Green numbers
4x6 size photo
Print at your local Walgreens, CVS, print lab or print at home.4x6 size photo
(Click link below and right click and save)
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