GROUP Service Project Idea - Assemble DIY Mini First Aid Kits for the Homeless - Homemade bag - Supply ideas - Downloadable tag

I love ideas that are easy ways to give back.  
These DIY mini first aid kits are inexpensive to make large quantities and a perfect group service project. 

Last Sunday we did this with the retirement residents. It's a nice opportunity for them to give back without leaving the building. They assembled the kits and we'll take them downtown to a highly concentrated area where the homeless gather.  
You could also give the kits to a group that benefits the homeless.

Band-Aids - different sizes
Alcohol wipe
Hand sanitizer wipes

We wanted to make it easy to remember what to put in the bags. TWO of everything except the tag & ointment. 

2 small round band-aids
2 large band-aids
2 alcohol wipes
2 Q-tips
2 hand sanitizer wipes
1 tag
1 ointment (optional)

I ordered individual ointments from Amazon but they didn't arrive in time. 
They were added afterwards. 

Tips for assembling:

We reminded everyone they would have 6 different items. This way they could set it out and count to make sure they weren't missing anything. 

Things I would do differently or add:

We had 4 table and went around with each item and added to the table. It would've been better to add ALL 6 items on a table and before moving to the next table. It caused some confusion since not all items were on the table before starting. 

When we do this again, I will make a board with a large photos of each item and a large #2 above it. This way we could set the board at the front of the room or walk around with it to show each table. 

With all that said, it went great. All the residents speed filled 60 bags perfectly in under 20 minutes!!!

I ordered the antibiotic cream on amazon. 144 for about $12.


4x6 size - 6 first aid logos per print.
Print at your local Walgreens, CVS, print lab or print at home.
(Click link below and right click and save.)

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