Halloween party theme this year was Bio-Hazard /Toxic Waste / Zombie Apocalypse.
If you can't tell by now, I love a good theme and EVERYTHING must match!!! Here's what we served during the party.
You might also like my 18 creepy/gross Halloween party food ideas post and Halloween party food ideas.
Bio-Hazard Buffet Table
Some oldies with different names to match the theme and some are new. :)
Zombie Flesh
(pulled pork)
Infectious Waste
(salsa and cream cheese dip)
This is a party favorite. I make it every year and just changed the the name tag.
Finger Food
(cut veggies with hummus)
Finger Food
(chips and dip)
Salty Scabs
(beef jerky)
Not really bio-hazard theme but super easy and gross sounding.
Toxic Waste
(macaroni and cheese with bacon)
I colored the noodles green when cooking.
Fresh Meat
(cold cuts)
Prosciutto on the skull and salami, ham, and turkey rolled.
I made this last year as Cured Epidermis. #10 Creepy Party Food Ideas
Radioactive Brain
(cream cheese with chipolte sauce)
I colored the cream cheese green and put in a brain mold.
Tangy Testies
1 bag of frozen meatballs
1 jar of grape jelly
1 jar of chili sauce
Sounds like a weird combo but everyone loves them.
1 jar of grape jelly
1 jar of chili sauce
Sounds like a weird combo but everyone loves them.
Zombie Eyeballs
(deviled eggs)
I really wanted them green but I didn't test the food color before hand. :( They were really blue and reminded me of something from SpongeBob.
I made HUMAN EYEBALLS and they were awesome. Wish I had made them instead.
I also made zombie eyeballs a couple years ago. TUTORIAL HERE
I didn't print a name tag for the cupcakes but did make little radioactive tags and used bloody zombie hand picks.
I added some finger food, candy, and more cupcakes on a small table between the kitchen and living room.
It's hard to tell in some of the photos with the flash that the stands were glowing really bright. I broke open a few glow sticks and poured into glass jars. Here are more pics.
I printed at Walgreens and folded in half.
(Click link and right click and save)
ZOMBIE FLESH - Pulled Pork
FRESH MEAT - Coldcuts
TOXIC WASTE - Mac & Cheese
FINGER FOOD - Chips & Dip
FINGER FOOD - Veggies & Dip
SALTY SCABS - Beef Jerky
BIO-HAZARD CIRCLE - for cupcakes
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