I somehow ripped the inside seam of my jeans........doing WHAT? I don't even remember. I couldn't donate them in that condition. Here are two super cute presents I wrapped to recycled an old pair of jeans.
I cut around the pockets removing them from the jeans. Then trimmed only the edges to still keep it a functional pocket.
I found some cute items for "stuffers." I had several other ideas but the items need to be thin or it doesn't look good on the present. Candy or Money would be another great idea.
Here's an easy way to wrap gift cards. Cover cardboard with paper and use double sided tape to attach the card and wrap. Easy!
To keep the pens in place I taped them to a piece of paper to fit in the pocket
I attached the pocket to the gift with hot glue.
The photos show filling the pocket first but I actually attached the pocket first, then filled. Photos were for sizing the items to see if they would look good.
Added a ribbon and FINISHED! Super cute!

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