I love how string art looks and here's a Father's Day idea with no nails required! YAY!!! So easy!
My son attached it to the front of a book but you could make a card or frame it. It looks neat just by itself too! Such a sweet homemade gift idea.
My son was so proud and I was proud of him and his cool gift he made.
I'm thinking the age range is elementary age kids and up. I'm sure younger kids could absolutely do it, but they might need more help. Looking at the instructions it took me a few minutes to figure it out. I got the numbers but the DOWN? and UP? Then I realized it's the direction of the needle. Ahhhhh. Makes sense.
I think this is a great project that helps kids practice numbers and practice following directions. AND it's so super sweet!
Things you'll need
Card stock paper (regular printer paper does not work)
Needle (plastic or steel)
String (same area - embroidery floss or crochet thread)
*Free* DAD Template
You can buy plastic needles or steel needles. Both are very dull and found in the Needle Art section at JoAnn Fabric & Crafts or Micheal's.
We ended up buying the steel needles since for the same price it came with 5 vs 2.
Found the string in the same area as the needles at JoAnn's. You can use embroidery floss or crochet thread. They both work great but it seems like the floss is just smaller quantity and the crochet thread was a better deal.
((FREE TEMPLATE at the end of the post))
You will need 2 - 48" and 1 - 36" long strings for each letter. (3 strings in total for each letter) The shorter string is for after the last cut or final string to finish the letter. To make it EASY you can cut all the strings 48". I'm just trying to complicate things. :) I didn't want to waste the string.
The template has a DOWN column and an UP column. This is the direction of the needle when you have the template text facing you. You only have two letter directions since you'll repeat the letter D twice. I write this because I said, "I'm missing directions for a letter!" It was late and it was only for a brief second. :)
Pre-perforate all the dots first. This will make it so much easier.
Thread the needle and tie a knot twice to make sure it doesn't come off when working.
Begin at the *start and push the needle down through #2
Pull the string almost all the way through the card stock leaving just a small end to tape. Then push the needle up through #14. Then follow the numbers and remember to cut the string when marked.
Note: You are starting with the last D in the word and working backwards.
When you are finished, cut and tape the end of the string. Do this for each letter.
(click above to open and then right click and save)
The template is a photo file. When printing, if it gives an option to uncheck "fit picture to frame," uncheck it so it doesn't cut off the edges. I will try to update with an adobe version as well.
Here also made one for ME!!

ReplyDeleteI'm so glad that I found your blog!
I lost my art book string art that I bought from a school store and I've done most of the project with my students and they love it. This year I don't seem to find it and I'm bumped because last year we did this project for our school carnaval fundraiser.
we painted the canvas in different colors and taped the instructions on the back.
I was wondering if you could share the rest of the templates by any chance? I tried to look it in the net but the only place I found was on Amazon and it costs around $700 ... not sure why it's so expensive.
please let me know if you will be willing to share. If not that's ok.
I would be totally willing to share but unfortunately I only have letters D, M, O, and A. I can spell MOM & DAD. I guess MOD, MAD, DO, ADD, AM, ODD, MOO too. :) Wish I could be more help. Sorry.
Deletethank you for the prompt reply:)
ReplyDeleteHi, do you have the template for the MOM? I can't find my string art book and i want my first graders to do this for mother's day. thanks so much!! my email is roxana.jones@canyonsdistric.org
ReplyDeleteI do but haven't posted. Let me find it and I'll try to email it this weekend. It will give me the motivation to get it posted.