We did our GIANT EASTER EGG hunt like normal. It's always a huge hit.
BUT this year the boys were stopped (literally with a stop sign hanging) with a new game. Ooooooh. Scavenger hunt!!!!
Hanging below the stop sign it said,
Yay! It's Easter today!
But before we start,
I have a game to play.
CLUE #1 was on the floor.
I printed the stop sign on two 8x10 prints from Walgreens. They had a 40% coupon but cardstock or regular paper would work too.
8x10 Downloadable STOP SIGN
Click HERE and then right click and save
Each clue lead them around the house, outside and to the backyard.
I don't have pictures of each clue as they found them but I took a photo at the end of all the clues. They were going so fast that I couldn't keep up. Note to self.....make clues harder next year.
CLUE #3 - Biscuit is the bearded dragon. :)
The final clue told them to look in the backyard. On the trampoline they found a new board game. Happy happy boys. They LOVE board games. This one is similar to Apples to Apples. You pick the best caption and one person is the judge. Without knowing which person selected what caption, they pick their favorite. So far this game and Apples to Apples has not resulted in hurt feelings. However, if one person is always the best or favorite,which is possible, it might happen. Better to play in larger groups.
Ready, Set, GO!
Now for the Easter egg hunt.
Small egg hunt and then giant egg hunt.
Then they collect the giant eggs and divided them equally. I have two of each color (same contents) so they make sure they each have one of each size.
If you hug the eggs they pop open. He was demonstrating his strength. Lol.
Someone was excited about a large cookies and cream bunny
Easter selfie. Hubby had to work. :(
One likes organization and one doesn't. Lol. This makes me smile. Totally me too.
Candy trading in progress.
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Happy Easter!
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