I decided to do this very last minute (the day before the party) and it was surprisingly easy to pull together.
The houses are made out of graham crackers and can be made in advance (for me the night before) and same for the icing.
The day of the party I worked and off only an hour before the party started. I had the table decorated and cups set so the only thing to do when I got home was fill the cups with goodies, mix a batch of icing and put the hot chocolate in the crockpot. Easy! Ummm.... okay, I was stressing about time {{panic attack}} but it all worked out.
The kids had a blast!
I did have a little help that day with the cardboard covered with wrapping paper. My hubby and kids did that while I was at work. I picked a thick, plastic feeling wrapping paper. Maybe a foil. I didn't want the icing making it look greasy. Plus it was glittery too! :)
I think cellophane wrapping would work too.
Goodies: marshmallow peeps (trees and snowman,) shredded mini wheat, candy canes, Christmas candy corns, Hersey hugs and kisses, gum drops, mini M&M's, marshmallows, waffle pretzels, snowman candy, Christmas chocolate chips, peanut butter cups, cheerios, mini M&M's, Santa shaped chocolate and peppermints. I bought teddy grahams but forgot to set them out.
Any other ideas I forgot?
Love this one! Santa's sleigh crashing into the house.
Some of the houses
We also had a HOT CHOCOLATE BAR!!!! Huge hit! I made the hot chocolate the night before (while putting together gingerbread houses) and put it back in the crockpot when I got home to warm up.
Decorating cookies???
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