SWEET homemade gifts! - Kids made for PARENTS - Personal post that melts my heart

11 years old and he still insists on making all his Christmas gifts. A few days into December he tells me that, "he has to get to work" and no interest in purchasing anything. If you mentioned it I think this would sound foreign to him.

We do purchase gifts and he does ask "Santa" for items but HIS gifts must be made. Yes, still believes {{I think}} or he just wants to keep it up for us. I remember a conversation with him the year he added an Xbox  for Dad and a Canon camera for me on his list since "Santa will bring it and it's FREE!" :) We explained that those things are expensive, even for Santa, and not all toys can be made. Electronics still must be purchased from Best Buy. {{smile}} We also decided that year maybe Santa should't be getting all the credit for those pricey toys.

That conversation might have sparked the "make it yourself" idea and each year his gifts are a little more elaborate. So sweet and usually make me tear up a little. Maybe he just likes to see our faces after we open them. 

So what does he make?

For me this year I opened a pink and green box that had a little note that said, "Let (his name) show you the magic"

He transformed this little box into a rose for me. So sweet!

For the family he made a gift box and inside it was a tiny heart book that said why he loved all of us and we could never be replaced.

For brother he made a fully functional crossbow with a bayonet attachment.....out of paper. It's really impressive!

His brother was so happy he gave him a big hug. Not posed. This is fully captured!

We joked it looked like a stingray under the tree

My younger son made a cute little book in school that was all about family too!

That's what it's all about!

We have our traditions...egg nog, santa cookies, gingerbread house decorating, trail of lights, ice skating, Christmas movies every night leading up to Christmas Eve, Santa note hidden in the tree and clues to find their presents and so many more. These are memories I hope the boys remember. 

Following Santa's clue to their present

Ice Skating at Whole Foods

It's just the four of us. No other family to visit or say "hi." I hope everyone knows how lucky they are to have wonderful parents and extended family to spend time with. My husband and I have so many memories of our Grandparents as a child and as much as I think the boys are missing out, the real ones missing out are them.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!

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