I helped my son make a friend THIS candy cake in December. At that time he made a comment about wanting one with Hersey's Cookies 'n' Creme bars (his favorite) for his birthday.
I decided to make his candy cake with recycled boxes.
After testing the size of candy that would fit best, I ended up using a cereal box, fruit roll up box, and two protein bar boxes.
Green is his favorite color. I made the base green to match his gifts and donuts. Gold metallic shreds to match his balloons.
I found XL bars for $1 each and regular size bars 2 for $1 on sale at Walgreens. The mini bars were in packages of 6 for $1 and drops on sale at HEB.
XL - 4 - $4
Reg - 12 - $6
Mini (24 bars) pkg - 5 - $5
Bag of drops - 1 - $2.66 (on sale)
Total cost of candy was $18.
I was at Wal-Mart the other day and saw they have racks of candy for $1.96 for 12 minitures.
I used hot glue to attach candy.
After testing the size of candy that would fit best, I ended up using a cereal box, fruit roll up box, and two protein bar boxes.
I wrapped all the boxes in green paper. You couldn't really see the boxes but just in case.
Green is his favorite color. I made the base green to match his gifts and donuts. Gold metallic shreds to match his balloons.
Cake board is optional and not needed. I made a second cake and only used boxes.
XL - 4 - $4
Reg - 12 - $6
Mini (24 bars) pkg - 5 - $5
Bag of drops - 1 - $2.66 (on sale)
Total cost of candy was $18.
I was at Wal-Mart the other day and saw they have racks of candy for $1.96 for 12 minitures.
I'm making a white chocolate recess peanut butter cup cake for my younger son for his birthday.
I used hot glue to attach candy.
I hot glued strips of paper for the second tier. It felt like it needed a little extra support to hold the candy in place.
I used two boxes for the top layer. Since you couldn't really see the boxes, I didn't wrap the bottom box.
Each layer is hot glued in place.
I hot glued the drops on the top. I thought about doing a happy birthday graphic but thought he would like this better....more candy. :)
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