Easy mesh tube bow tutorial - gift wrapping idea - purple themed package with Dollar Tree finds

I love the tube mesh for wreaths but it's also great for making bows. 
Here's a quick way to make a super cute bow with mesh tubing and curling ribbon. 

Mesh tubing, curling ribbon, and matching wrapping paper all purchased at Dollar Tree.

46" mesh tube
56" curling ribbon

Make loops with the mesh tubing.

Make loops with the curling ribbon and add to the mesh ribbon. 

Start with the mesh tubing and curling ribbon tied around the gift and leave the ends long enough to attach the bow.

I like to attach three bunches of mesh tubing and curling ribbon.

Tie the first bunch with both the mesh and curling ribbon. 

Tie the second bunch with both the mesh and curling ribbon across the first bunch making an X.

Tie the third bunch with just the curling ribbon and in the same direction as the first bunch attached.

Trim any longer pieces, curl the ribbon, and adjust until you like it.

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