First, sorry for all the pictures and links. ((most are repeats with a few new downloadable tags))
I can't tell you how much I love Teacher Appreciation Week!!! 15 minutes in a class of 20 kindergartners and I immediately had a new found respect for ALL teachers! The amazing patience and multi-taskin' involved is incredible. {{bowing to your awesomeness}} :)
I can't tell you how much I love Teacher Appreciation Week!!! 15 minutes in a class of 20 kindergartners and I immediately had a new found respect for ALL teachers! The amazing patience and multi-taskin' involved is incredible. {{bowing to your awesomeness}} :)
Last week was crazy busy and I only had time to post a few awful pics on fbook to show what was going on. Most of them are repeats that are posted on this blog already. I just did a post linking a bunch of my Favorite Teacher Appreciation Ideas with free printables. I changed a few up this year and added the new design to download on this post below.
Our elementary had a theme each day. Super easy and optional but since we already had our gifts planned some days he brought two things. The middle school he just brought our planned gifts.
For the elementary the theme was "Tootie Fruitie Tuesday"
Okay, I'm not going to lie....THIS DAY WAS LOOOONG!!! I also happened to work a 9hr day and came straight home to bake. and bake. Oh, and bake.
The elementary theme was "Thank You Thursday" but since we did a card for Wednesday he only brought muffins.
AND I also volunteered for the middle school "BAKE SHOP" so every teacher could take a treat home that day.
The theme was "Snack Basket Friday" but because Thursday was so crazy we went simple. Very simple. I'm sure they received every sugary thing you could think of and they were probably done by Friday. Just something little to show we appreciated them.
Our elementary had a theme each day. Super easy and optional but since we already had our gifts planned some days he brought two things. The middle school he just brought our planned gifts.
I made a new "sparkle" tag this year. You can download last years HERE.
I found the bling lanyards on sale at HEB a few months back for $2.50
Click HERE to download 4x6 new SPARKLE tag for FREE
(right click and save)
Send the file to a 1hr photo lab for easy printing or print at home. Cut off excess and ready to use!
ALSO (for elementary)
We sent flowers since the theme was "Flower Power Day" You can download this cute tag below.
FREE downloadable tag HERE
My little guy trying to carry everything. Lanyards on his arm and two flower bouquets in the bag and holding one. He was a champ despite his expression. That is because I ALWAYS say "just one more pic" and it's usually about 10 more. :/
For the elementary the theme was "Tootie Fruitie Tuesday"
Last year I bought these but couldn't find them this year. It worked out because I made my own and they were less expensive by a lot!
Details on supplies used to wrap them see THIS POST.
I did the same tag for the tea as last year but added a back and two more tea bags. Total of three for each.
The boys gave these to ALL the teachers the boys see. Librarian, P.E., Art, Music, Math Club, etc. and main teachers. We made a TON of these.
FREE downloadable tag HERE
The theme was "Forget-Me-Not Wednesday" Send a photo or drawing so your teacher can for-get-you-not! This was what we did. Turned out so cute. White piece of paper and add the text later.
Put on cardstock paper and TA-DA!!!
The boys also gave EVERY teacher one of these.
Chocolate dipped oreos on a stick!!! PLUS a cute little tag (with matching sprinkles border) that you can download for FREE!!!
Need a larger tag? I made these FREE downloadable tags last year.
Okay, I'm not going to lie....THIS DAY WAS LOOOONG!!! I also happened to work a 9hr day and came straight home to bake. and bake. Oh, and bake.
The elementary theme was "Thank You Thursday" but since we did a card for Wednesday he only brought muffins.
I wish I could capture how awesome these glitter cardstock paper looked. WOW! Just imagine super glittery.
There's "muffin" like a great teacher theme and mini muffins and recycling or upcycling egg cartons with personalized tags.
I even printed out recipe cards and instructions in case they wanted to make them later.
The teacher that headed it told my son that our cake was gone in 2.5 seconds. :) It was the item to get. Now that makes it all worth it!!!
I made this cake for my son's birthday. For more details see THIS POST.
The theme was "Snack Basket Friday" but because Thursday was so crazy we went simple. Very simple. I'm sure they received every sugary thing you could think of and they were probably done by Friday. Just something little to show we appreciated them.
I made these cute little personalized tags to match the color of the rock candy.
I didn't get a finished picture with the tags but they were attached at the top near the bow.
BTW, Friday was a field trip day and we did STUNTS!!!
Here is my son jumping 20ft!!! They did several stunts, explosions, fireworks, foam spray, and so much more. It was awesome!
Moms can have fun too!
WHEW! What a week!
I really hope they enjoyed everything. I enjoyed making or help make all the gifts and the boys felt like super stars delivering them.
Now to plan for the end of the year gift and it's only THREE weeks away. CRAZY!!!
Any questions, please comment or email me!

WOW- these ideas are fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing the printables, I'd love to link to some in an upcoming Roundup if you didn't mind!