The boys made this card for my Mom's birthday but it would be a cute gift or fun summer craft!
card stock, cardboard, or canvas
glue gun & glue sticks (SMALLER KIDS - Elmer's glue and yarn)
heavy duty foil
Elmer's glue or adhesive spray
Q-tips or paint brush
Sharpie markers
I found these sharpie markers at Michael's and used a $50% off coupon.
I suggest to pre-draw designs with pencil to make sure they include areas to color in. For example, use block letters.
This design was kinda small and harder to get details to show. The BIGGER the design the better it turns out and easier to work with.
We used adhesive spray but I think Elmer's glue works best to get the foil closer to the edges. If you use Elmer's glue, don't apply too much.
Lay foil on top of board or canvas starting in the center and slowly work your way out. This way the foil is not too tight.
Use a stiff paintbrush or q-tips and carefully push foil down and close to the hot glue or yarn. It will tear easily so be gentle.
Once dry, color with sharpie markers.

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