Kanzashi is a Japanese ornamental hairpin for women and made by folding delicate squares of silk into three-dimensional flower petals. I did a tutorial on a corsage and boutonniere HERE.
I decided to make just a single flower as a gift but didn't know what to make it into. Pin, hair clip, ring?
I decided to make rings but the tricky part was a size to fit 20 people!
Here's the tutorial again but you can look at the other post for another flower style and more photos.
I've become a little obcessed and bought almost every color ribbon. My luck that Michael's had a sale. This also forced me to finish my ribbon rack.
Ribbon - 1 1/2 inch
Lighter - I used both a cigarette lighter and a long BBQ lighter.
Scissors - Use material or quality scissors. It makes it so much easier.
Ruler (optional)
Hot glue gun
Jewel stickers or beads
Cut ribbon into squares. I cut them a little larger and trimmed off excess. You can use a ruler if it's easier.
One color ribbon - 1 1/2 inch
7 ribbon squares
First fold corner to corner to make a triangle.
Hold in the center and take each end and fold up to meet at the point of the triangle.
Pick up and fold in half.
Trim end and use a lighter to melt together.
Trim bottom.
More detailed photos how to trim HERE
Use a lighter to melt together.
Arrange petals and hot glue together.
Not pictured but hot glue the jewel in the center.
Add hot glue to the back and attach ring.
To make the ring:
I used soft hair ties found at HEB.
Cut in half.
One hair tie makes two rings. Just hot glue the ends together and let dry completely.
Attach to flower with hot glue. They don't look perfect but an easy way to make something that would fit everyone!
I gave them all little heart boxes I found at Michael's.
I gave the guys little boxes of candy.
The residents loved them!
I even sent my Mom one. :)
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