I would love to say they took the whole thing but the boys lost the very last championship game by 5 points. :(
They kicked butt and we all stayed positive for the kids. Praised and big hugs but the MAMA BEAR in me was furious! They put in two refs no one has seen all year and sent home the most AWESOME -FAIR- AMAZING refs right before the Championship game. WTH???? All I will say is it was a VERY dirty game and they got away with it plus some really bad calls on both sides. (The refs were even arguing during halftime) It happens but wish it wasn't on the last game.
With that venting done, now for the treats we made for the end of season party!!!
These didn't turn out how I had planned but still like them. It's buttercream icing colored yellow and orange but you can't tell the two colors apart really. I added red glitter gel after doing a swirl icing. Then took a toothpick and just pulled the icing in an upward motion.
Treats for the kids - Recess peanut butter cups and basketballs (Easter eggs) Stock up NOW for all sports!
I just bought a value pack of recess peanut butter cups and orange candy melts. Opposite colors but turned out so cute. Boys loved them!
Bagged and tied a ribbon
Made custom team tags. You can design and order from my ETSY shop.
I wanted to find basketball chocolates but World Market was out :( I just filled them with Hersey kisses.
Used the same tags for the cupcakes too!
Again, not the effect I was looking for but still like them. If I would do it different I would just keep the swirl and tags.
Packaged and ready to go!
1st place division and 2nd place in championship game
Great season, great kids, and great parents!
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Lovely post.